Food & Health – Week of 03.05.17

Fixing Healthcare: Which Single-payer System would be Best for California?
LA Times | 2017
Morally wrong and stupid…

House GOP Pushes Bill Letting Companies Force Workers to Undergo Genetic Testing
Daily Kos | 10 March 2017
“Freedom” like being forced…

Sanders: GOP Health Care Plan Gives Wealthiest a $275 Billion Tax Break
Politifact | 09 March 2017
Sanders put a different spin…

Paul Ryan’s Entire Health Care Bill PowerPoint
CNN| 09 March 2017

Paul Ryan's entire health care bill PowerPoint

Paul Ryan’s entire health care bill PowerPoint

YouTube | 09 March 2017

Everything You Need to Know about the New GOP Health Care Bill
PBS | 07 March 2017
Out the penalties…

Donald Jr. and Vanessa Trump Raise Autism Awareness and Talk Trump in 2012

Donald Jr. and Vanessa Trump Raise Autism Awareness and Talk Trump in 2012

Donald Jr. and Vanessa Trump Raise Autism Awareness and Talk Trump in 2012

Fox News | 11 April 2011
Trumps on Autism Awareness…

Introducing the American Health Care Act
House of Reps | 08 March 2017
Obama Care Replacement Bill….

CDC Document Bombshell Reveals List of all Vaccine Excipients – List
Prepare For Change | 07 March 2017

House GOP Releases Obamacare Replacement: The American Health Care Act | 06 March 2017
GOP O’Care Replacement…

Amish Farmer Sam Girod is in Jail…
iContact | March 2017
Criminalization of Herbal Remedies…

Another Devastating Revelation on Killer Medical Drugs is Buried
No More Fake News | 05 March 2017
Certifies as safe and…

Amish Farmer Placed in Jail By FDA For Selling Healing Salve
Fulcrum 7 | 05 March 2017

Local:Letters to a Young Farmer: Stone Barns Center Releases Its First Book
Food Tank | 03 March 2017
36 contributors…

An English Sheep Farmer’s View of Rural America
NY Times | 01 March 2017
Less than 3 percent of people in…

“Bought” Vaccine Movie Bonus Short- Andrew Wakefield
Bought Movie | 05 March 2017
YouTube | 13 May 2015
Moral and professional obligation to..