3rd Quarter Wrap Up: News Trends & Stories Part II

Justin Woods
October 6, 2018

Web Presentation

Our web presentation is a work in progress that Solari Report subscribers can access here. Use your Solari password to login!

“Beauty alters the grain of reality.” ~ Donna Tartt

By Catherine Austin Fitts

This week Dr. Joseph P. Farrell and I continue the 3rd Quarter 2018 Wrap Up with Part II of News, Trends & Stories. If you have not listened to Part I, you may want to do so first. Click here for Part I.

This coming Thursday night, Joseph and I cover the top stories in Culture, Science & Technology, Space and Food & Health. Here they are:

  • Story #11: The Growth of Beauty
  • Story #12: Mind Control Concerns Go Mainstream
  • Story #13 The Real Deal on Gender X
  • Story #14: Aretha Franklin’s Magnificent Legacy
  • Story #15 Holograms, Memes & European Rules: Copyright and Content Integrity Gets Very Complex
  • Story #16: EMF Radiation: Consumers Push Back
  • Story #17: Trump Creates the Space Force
  • Story #18: Satellite Security
  • Story #19: What’s Up with Blood?
  • Story #20: Glyphosate Gets Outed & Monsanto (now Bayer) Loses Big

In addition, we cover UnAnswered Questions, Inspiration and Go Local. UnAnswered Questions include:

  • AI Deep Learning: Who has the most data?
  • What Happens If and When Kavanaugh is Confirmed?
  • Can the 5% Make a Difference Before the “Lock Down”
  • What Was Up in Sunspot, New Mexico
  • Did the G-7 Leaders Take Kickbacks on the Iran Deal?
  • Were George H. W. Bush and Queen Elizabeth’s Doctors Both Assassinated?
  • Where Will We Be in 2030?

You can access the complete News Trends & Stories section at the web presentation for the 3rd Quarter 2018 Wrap Up. Just click here and use your Solari Report password to login.

In Let’s Go to the Movies, I will review Dark Money – a new PBS documentary on the buying and selling of elections by untraceable money, streaming Oct.1 – Oct. 31. I touch on the small number of major donors and large corporations funding the creation and maintenance of a transhumanist and transgender “movement” in Story #13.

In Money & Markets this week, I will discuss the latest financial and geopolitical news. Make sure to send questions to Ask Catherine or post your questions and recommended stories at the Money & Markets commentary for October 11th here.

Talk to you Thursday!

PS. For New Subscribers:
We build the Wrap Up Web Presentations as we role out four segments on our weekly interview schedule for each of our quarterly and annual Wrap Ups. When the four segments and the full web presentation are complete, we convert the web presentation into a PDF and a flipbook which are then posted for subscribers. We then convert the PDF into a hard copy that is mailed to premium subscribers and available for all subscribers at the Solari Store. The entire process starts with our creation of our cover – when we pick the theme that we will explore in depth.

As you can see from our new cover, for the 3rd Quarter 2018 Wrap Up, our theme is “Megacities and the Growth of the Global Real Estate Companies.”

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