3rd Quarter 2023 Wrap Up: News Trends & Stories, Part II with Dr. Joseph P. Farrell

Claire Viadro
October 17, 2023

A Short Preview:

Web Presentation

Our 3rd Quarter 2023 Wrap Up web presentation is a work in progress that builds as we publish our weekly segments—Solari Report subscribers can access it HERE.

A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep.”
~ Saul Bellow

By Catherine Austin Fitts

This week, we continue publication of our 3rd Quarter 2023 Wrap Up. Dr. Joseph P. Farrell joins me for Part II of News Trends & Stories.

Worldwide, the geopolitical and financial spheres are exhibiting rising uncertainty. For that reason, in Part II, Joseph and I focus our attention on our long list of unanswered questions (now numbering 50), including questions such as who is Mr. Global and what does Mr. Global know about geophysical risks. As propaganda, mind control, AI, and false flags ramp up to intense levels, it may be harder to know what is true, but our discussion of unanswered questions can at least help us map out the areas to which we should be paying the most attention.

On October 31, Tim Caban and I will present the quarterly Equity Overview, and on November 14, Ricardo Oskam will join me for News Trends & Stories, Part III, a new feature in which we discuss how our picks for the top 20 stories relate to your personal wealth-building journey and the six pillars of the Building Wealth curriculum. Whitney Webb—the guest author for the Wrap Up theme—will then return to the Solari Report to help us understand what we need to know about the snowballing AI phenomenon.

Recognizing that each person’s circumstances are unique, we hope, as always, that our discussion will guide you toward solutions, helping you determine actions you can take and tactics that are right for you.

Money & Markets:

In Money & Markets this week, John Titus and I will cover the latest events and continue to discuss the financial and geopolitical trends we are tracking in 2023—and the pushback rocking and rolling us around the globe. Post questions at the Money & Markets commentary here.

Related Solari Reports:

3rd Quarter 2023 Wrap Up: News Trends & Stories, Part I with Dr. Joseph P. Farrell

2nd Quarter 2023 Wrap Up: News Trends & Stories, Part I with Dr. Joseph P. Farrell

2nd Quarter 2023 Wrap Up: News Trends & Stories, Part II with Dr. Joseph P. Farrell

1st Quarter 2023 Wrap Up: News Trends & Stories, Part I with Dr. Joseph P. Farrell

1st Quarter 2023 Wrap Up: News Trends & Stories, Part II with Dr. Joseph P. Farrell

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