2020 Annual Wrap Up: News Trends & Stories, Part II with Dr. Joseph P. Farrell

brigitte mouchet
January 21, 2021

“Sit, be still, and listen, because you’re drunk and we’re at the edge of the roof.”
~ Rumi

By Catherine Austin Fitts

This coming week, we continue the publication of our 2020 Annual Wrap Up with Part II of News Trends & Stories. Dr. Joseph P. Farrell joins me again to review the 10 top stories in the last four categories: Culture; Science & Technology; Space; and Food & Health.

After having discussed Economy & Financial Markets and Geopolitics in Part I, we turn to what we can do to maintain or regain our sanity and cultivate our humanity, whether by getting out of our “bubbles” and nurturing our relationships, or simply by raising our children in a safe and supportive environment. Building resiliency is key as we continue to face unprecedented risks or even attacks on many fronts: freedom in general, freedom of speech, sovereignty over our bodies, food supply, as well as personal safety in the midst of possible wars. We will also discuss Unanswered Questions; Inspiration; and Take Action.


Story #11: The War on the Human Spirit (and Why in 2021 We Will Nurture Family, Friends, Fertility, Community, Celebrations, Christmas, Easter, Churches, Restaurants, Financial Independence, Tenderness, Touching, Sex, Music, Concerts, Live and In-Person Everything, Art, Smiling, Laughing, Dancing, Group Meals, Hard Copies, Hugging, Travel, Generosity, Beauty, and Joy)
Story #12: Zombie Management 101: Interacting with Targets of Mind Control, Fear Porn, Hope Porn, and Cults
Story #13: The Covid Cult Radically Reengineers Childhood and Education

Science & Technology:

Story #14: GMOed and Microwaved Humans: The Global Nonconsensual Experiment with Creepy Technology and 5G – the Biotech, Tech, and Telco Industries’ War on Life


Story #15: Neowise and the Christmas Conjunction: A Shift in Human Leadership Creates New Possibilities and Futures
Story #16: Space as a War-Fighting Domain: The “Winner Takes All” Dilemma in the Race for Supremacy

Food & Health:

Story #17: Pandemics and Bio & Chemical Warfare: The Great Poisoning, Insurance & the Injection Fraud, and the 100+ Year Cycle Continues
Story #18: The Freedom Tsunami: Doctors, Scientists, Sheriffs, Lawyers, and Independent Media Push Back Successfully on Covid-19
Story #19: Food Fight: Disaster Capitalism, Trade Wars, Regulatory Warfare, Synthetic Food, Restaurant Bankruptcies – Will We Allow the Global Food Supply to Be Centrally Controlled?
Story #20: Geophysical Risks: What Keeps Mr. Global Up at Night?

As you listen, check out the News Trends & Stories section of the 2020 Annual Wrap Up web presentation, which includes our complete trends list, our choices for top news videos of the year, the Trump Report Card, and our headlines for the top stories. The link will be in your subscriber links when Part II publishes on Thursday.

In the last week of January, John Titus and I will address our 2020 Annual Wrap Up theme: Going Direct Reset—Central Bank Owners Make Their Move.

In Let's Go to the Movies, I will review The Lives of Others, a 2006 German drama about the monitoring of East Berlin residents by agents of the Stasi, East Germany’s secret police.

In Money & Markets this week, John Titus will join me to cover current events and continue to discuss the financial and geopolitical news to watch for in 2021. E-mail your questions for Ask Catherine or post at the Money & Markets commentary here.

Please join me this Thursday, January 21st, for the 2020 Annual Wrap Up: News Trends & Stories, Part II.

Talk to you Thursday!

Related Reading:

2020 Annual Wrap Up: Equity Overview
The Real Deal on Going Local web presentation
The State of Our Currencies – Take Two
The Injection Fraud, Part I
The Injection Fraud, Part II

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