For the foreseeable future, Catherine Austin Fitts and the Solari Report will remain committed to supporting state legislators, officials and other state leaders who are focused on preserving financial transaction freedom and the U.S. Constitution. In 2024, we provided state legislators with a comprehensive resource, “What the States Can Do: Building the Legal and Financial Infrastructure for Financial Freedom,” to assist in those efforts.
In 2025, Solari will hold monthly online briefings for state legislators and elected officials and their staff, where Catherine will discuss how they can protect their state’s ability to transact freely. In addition to the presentations by Catherine, each briefing will include time for Q&A. Members of their state banking associations are also welcome to attend with them.
The briefings will be held via Zoom on the second Thursday of every month from 2-4 pm Eastern. If you think your legislators or state officials would benefit from such a briefing, please email Elizabeth Murphy for more information and to reserve their spot. Solari subscribers can attend if their legislator, official, or staff is attending.
Recorded versions of the briefings edited to include only the Solari side of the briefing will be published for Solari subscribers who are authorized to share it with their state officials. If there is sufficient interest, we will also hold Q&A sessions for subscribers who have watched the briefings.
Our schedule is as follows:
January 9, 2025: Bitcoin Bailout with Tim Caban
Bitcoin billionaires are lobbying states for a Bitcoin exit at taxpayers’ expense. In this briefing, Catherine will review what is happening, and discuss how and why legislators can explain to their constituents that they are saying “no” to this “take from the poor and give to the rich” scheme—while working hard to protect the state and citizens’ land and real assets. Invite your legislators to join Catherine for this important briefing.
Date and time: Thursday, January 9, 2:00-4:00 pm ET
Video presentation HERE
February 13, 2025: Sovereign State Banks with Richard Werner
Date and time: Thursday, February 13, 12:00-2:00 pm ET (NOTE: This briefing is two hours earlier)
March 13, 2025: Precious Metals Legislation
Date and time: Thursday, March 13, 2:00-4:00 pm ET
To reserve a spot: ElizabethMurphyTN@protonmail.com
Related at the Solari Report:
Hijacking Bitcoin: The Hidden History of BTC with Steve Patterson
views: 1257