FBI Found Extensive Evidence Clinton Violated Federal Laws
Daily Wire | 02 September 2016
Felony to intentionally…
FBI Finds Up to 30 dDeleted Benghazi Emails Clinton did Not Turn Over
Powerline | 30 August 2016
The Woman Who Stopped the War with Iran – Gwenyth Todd
YouTube | 09 August 2016
(Press TV) Uniting patriots worldwide in…
Survivors of Aurora Shooting Ordered to Pay Theater’s $700,000 Legal Bill
Guns America | 01 September 2016
Ordering the plaintiffs to pay Cinemark’s…
YouTube | 25 August 2016
Alex interviews Nigel…
Democrats Ask FBI to Probe Alleged Trump-Russia Connections Over DNC Hack
RT | 01 September 2016
Overt and covert…
Brazil’s Dilma Rousseff, a Woman of Honor, Confronts Senate of Scoundrels
ICH | 01 September 2016
Land of permanent…
Brazil Senate Votes 61-20 to Impeach President Rousseff for Breaking Budget Laws
RT | 01 September 2016
If they become more …
Tourists Visiting Lake Como are Forced to Step Over Migrants…Back to Italy from Switzerland
Daily Mail | 01 September 2016
Growing numbers…
The Philippines’ Grand Plans for the South China Sea
Stratfor | 01 September 2016
Would hold…
A Record Number of Americans Now Dislike Hillary Clinton
Washington Post | 31 August 2016
In her quarter-century…
France’s Marine Le Pen tells CNN, “Hillary Clinton Means War”
The Duran | 31 August 2016
“war,” “devastation” and…
U.S. to Urge G20 to Boost Economies, Pay Attention to Angry Citizens
Daily Mail | 31 August 2016
Answer cannot be to…
Dilma Rousseff Impeached by Brazilian Senate
Guardian | 31 August 2016
Temer took over on pledges to…
Puerto Rico Oversight Panel Named to Halt Island Debt Crisis
Bloomberg |31 August 2016
Average of 65.4 cents…
Mainstream Media Admits It May “Never Recover” from 2016 Election
The Anti Media | 30 August 2016
Effectively infiltrated…
Thousands to Receive Basic Income in Finland: A Trial that Could Lead to the Greatest Societal Transformation of our Time
Demo Shel Helsinki | 30 August 2016
Envisioned as a solution for…
Prominent District Attorney Blames Vaccines for His Children’s Autism
Info Wars | 30 August 2016
YouTube | 30 August 2016
Physical and mental changes shortly…I’m here to tell you that vaccines…
Leaked Memo Reveals Soros Plan for Federally Controlled Police
Info Wars | 30 August 2016
Advantage of the Crisis…
Hillary vs Trump: Follow the Money
The Saker | 29 August 2016
Which industry pledged…
China Wants a Successful G20 but Suspects West May Derail Agenda
Spanish News Today | 29 August 2016
Schemes like…
G20 Summit to Deal with Rising Anti-globalization Sentiment
CCTV | 29 August 2016
Lowest rate of global trade growth in…
Greenwald: “Why Did Saudi Regime & Other Gulf Tyrannies Donate Millions to Clinton Foundation?”
Democracy Now | 29 August 2016
At least 85 of 154 people…
Is the Game Plan Revealed? Germany Contemplates Conscription, Domestic…
Giza Death Star | 29 August 2016
Just create…
Is the Trans-Pacific Partnership Dead? Seven Essential Reads
The Conversation | 29 August 2016
Right turns against…
EU’s TTIP Trade Deal with the US Has Collapsed, Says Germany
Telegraph | 28 August 2016
Must not succumb to…
Charles Ortel-Bill and Hillary, Bonnie and Clyde of Charity Fraud
YouTube | 28 August 2016
Charity fraud, unlike pay-to-play…
Where Are Trump’s and Clinton’s Biggest Donations Coming From? We Made a Map
Wired | 26 August 2016
Zip codes of the top 500…
Open Up the Debates: Green Party’s Jill Stein Accuses Democrats & GOP of Rigging Debate Rules
Democracy Now | 18 August 2016
Candidates attempted to manipulate…
Voters of America, You are Being Played – Big Time
Rachael McIntosh | August 2016
How Americans can support…
The Absurdity of the NWO’s BIG SHOW — Rachael McIntosh
YouTube | 07 August 2016
Clinton, the Rothschilds…
Cows: A Symbol of Divinity and Discord in Modi’s India
Stratfor | 28 August 2016
Not a core…
Germany to Force Women to Name Biological Father of ‘Cuckoo Children’
Telegraph | 29 August 2016
Reclaim child maintenance from…
Julian Assange Says the Best is Yet to Come with the Leaks about Clinton’s Crimes
The Duran | 28 August 2016
Debunking conclusively the entire “Russia…
Assange: Murdered DNC Staffer Seth Rich is ‘Alleged’ WikiLeaks Source
Sputnik News | 27 August 2016
Seth Rich as the “potential” and “alleged”…
Assange Promises “Most Interesting And Serious” Hillary Emails Are Yet To Come
Zero Hedge | 27 August 2016
Even entertaining…
Trump By a Landslide?
Charles Hugh Smith | 28 August 2016
Analytic keys…
Hillary Clinton a ‘Liar’ and Donald Trump is America’s ‘Drunk Uncle,’ Focus Group Says
Washington Times | 26 August 2016
You can’t…
Assange: Murdered DNC Staffer Was ‘Potential’ WikiLeaks Source
Fox News | 25 August 2016
Less than two weeks later…
YouTube | 25 August 2016
You can beat the pollsters, you can…
Pentagon Admits to Losing over 700,000 Small Arms in Iraq, Afghanistan
Guns America | 25 August 2016
1,452,622 weapons, ranging from…
Turkey/US Invade Syria – Hillary Gets ‘No-Fly’ Zone
Ron Paul Institute | 24 August 2016
After promising…
Obama’s Chances to Sign TPP Sink as Senate Majority Leader Says No to Vote
RT | 27 August 2016
Both presidential candidates have…
Hillary Clinton Leverages Media in Ecuador to ‘Reconsider’ Julian Assange’s Asylum in London
The Duran | 09 August 2016
Diverted all of America’s attention away from…