by: Corey Lynn
It’s no secret that BlackRock CEO, Larry Fink, has been the key driver in pushing financial institutions and companies into “changing their behavior” and how they operate so as to comply with the grand ESG scheme. Environmental, Social, and Governance are the buzzwords making their way into every major corporation, and some states aren’t on board with this. More on that in a moment.
While this heated debate is transpiring, New York Community Bank just acquired Flagstar Bank, both whose top shareholder is BlackRock, and both of whom service millions of residential mortgages and multi-family lending for non-luxury apartments. Of course they want to work ESG into their new control model, so they brought on scandalous Verint to provide the framed “survey” intended to manipulate people into adopting their plan. The questions on the so-called survey, aren’t questions at all, as seen below in this article. If there was ever an example of how BlackRock and other financial institutions and companies are trying to force this agenda, this is it.
Original story can be found here.
Related Reading:
Climate TRACE: A Framework for ESG Initiatives and Social & Climate Credit System
BlackRock CEO Larry Fink’s Family Tree Was A Mystery Until Now
17 Goals Toward Enslavement: Exposing The Real Agendas Behind The 2030 Agenda