Action of the Week: January 13, 2025: Fight Financial Transaction Control to Protect Children

“Perhaps the hardest thing to imagine about the secret life of the cryptocracy is that it isn’t a subculture at all: it’s a superculture. It’s an underworld that rules over each and every one of us, and trying to see it is like trying to imagine a fifth dimension from the perspective of a fourth. Yet we also belong to this parallel world and it has always been there, acting on us in ways both invisible and oppressive—oppressive most of all because invisible. For what we fail to see continues indefinitely.”
~ Jasun Horsley

We cannot help but notice the growing number of stories and social media discussions about pedophilia and human trafficking. At one point last week, a subscriber who had just finished reading The Franklin Cover-Up by John DeCamp—one of the classics on a significant pedophilia and control file network in the 1980s—pointed out that he finally understood what Catherine meant when she warned about the dangers of financial transaction control.

In discussing threats to financial transaction freedom, Catherine often states that if the central bankers and other players working on behalf of Mr. Global succeed in securing complete financial transaction control, “they will come for the children.” As she explains in Part IX of her “Deep State Tactics 101” series, children are already used in a variety of ways to further the accumulation of power, wealth, and control:

“If you are smart, you get culled out to go to Harvard. If you’re pretty, you could get culled out to go to parties at the White House for ‘pizza.’ If you are expendable, you could get picked out to be shot in a drive-by shooting in Chicago to generate $1 million of harvestable organs.”

Catherine also describes what she observed in the late 1990s and 2000s when driving around the country and seeing “missing children” signs in every gas station:

“I found that $30,000 to $50,000 per child was what you could get to kidnap and traffic a pretty young child for pedophilia or other purposes. You would hear about places with a rural or private airport…. The private planes fly in. They auction off the children, and they’re gone with the winning bidders—including out of the country.”

The technologies that facilitate these gruesome outcomes—including the propaganda, mind control, and entrainment facilitated by smartphones (why give SPECTRE 24/7 access to your child?)—are bad enough, but if digital IDs go through and combine with an all-digital monetary system, it will be much worse. The opportunities for surveillance, biometrics collection, and data sharing that digital IDs and other control methods create aren’t good for any of us, and certainly not children. Add social credit systems and the ability to shut off your money and access to credit if you do not do what you are told, and you have a frightening control grid.

Currently, fear porn about “foreign bogeymen” is persuading many conservatives—one of the groups that historically has stood up the most for children—to clamor for digital IDs. Don’t fall for it!

Although topics related to targeting and harvesting of children make many people squirm, you cannot protect your children against what you don’t face in time. Take the time to understand why preventing financial transaction control is so absolutely essential to keeping both you and your children safe.

Related at the Solari Report:

The 2019 Annual Wrap Up: Deep State Tactics 101, Parts IX-X

Hero of the Week: December 2, 2024: Ryan Montgomery

Blast from the Past – The Finders

Book Review: The Vice of Kings: How Socialism, Occultism, and the Sexual Revolution Engineered a Culture of Abuse

Political Control & Pedophilia with Jon Rappoport

Nick Bryant on Pedophilia & Politics (about the Franklin Scandal)

The Great Taking of Our Kids (discussion of medical kidnapping on Financial Rebellion)

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